A review by crookedtreehouse
Prism Stalker, Vol. 1 by Sloane Leong


Image Comics continues to put out some of the most interesting comicsin the United States. Were I putting together a reading group for bright, stylized sci-fi comics with complex narratives and a loose sense of narrative, I'd put this on the list with [b:Prophet, Volume 1: Remission|15770131|Prophet, Volume 1 Remission|Brandon Graham|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1346249727s/15770131.jpg|21477514], [b:Firebug Ogn|36963196|Firebug Ogn|Johnnie Christmas|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1520477495s/36963196.jpg|58761890], and [b:Pretty Deadly, Vol. 1: The Shrike|20638291|Pretty Deadly, Vol. 1 The Shrike|Kelly Sue DeConnick|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1400007010s/20638291.jpg|39928058]. Books that are challenging to follow but have distinctive art.

If you are a reader who loves being thrown into an alien world where you don't really know the rules, and you follow a character, feeling constantly two or three steps behind understanding what they're doing, then this book might be perfect for you.

For me, I wanted the world explained more clearly as the story progressed.