A review by ronanmcd
Cove by Cynan Jones


This would be a wonderful companion piece for Forsyth's The Shepherd + Golding's Pincher Martin.
A man alone, at sea, with a job to do, his own life to preserve. The mind wanders, the impossible mixes with and becomes possible; thoughts feel physical before dripping away into shadows and reflections.
The three books question how we live and respect that we die alone. But here we delve into how we should live, and how we do live; should the currents carry us or should we fight them ? Will chance alone bring us to a destination or must we set a course?
The prose is thoughtful, expertly typeset, with the exactitude of poetry.
A special word must go to the cover. A beautiful piece by Jenny Griggs, it is the masterful match of the book. That is not in any way a flippant remark, or detraction from the book. It is not to disregard the writing, but to elevate it. It is accompanied & presented by a visual piece of the highest calibre.