A review by bfdbookblog
Relative Best by Pat Henshaw


2.5 stars

I really liked books 1 and 2 of this series but with the last couple and this one I’ve been disappointed. This book felt like it was on fast forward and my head was spinning. I’m not a huge fan of insta-love anyway but this book took that to a whole new level.

There was so much potential for a great story with the hotel almost being a halfway house, the confrontation with Calvin’s dad and the Native American history, but it fell completely short. The story development just wasn’t there. There were huge gaps in pretty much everything – dialog, story development, character development. I’m not totally sure I liked either of these characters because they weren’t fully developed, which is a shame because Ginger + Native American = Score! I liked where Zeke was going with the hotel and the discovery of Vic’s history could have been so rich. The confrontation with Calvin’s dad was almost laughable; the dialog was elementary and rushed. The conversation between Fredi and Max at the diner with Zeke and Vic left me completely puzzled…I’m not sure there were complete sentences in that conversation. Needless to say, after my excitement with the first two, this one left me a little bereft.

If the books continue down this path of rushed, under developed stories and characters, I may have to say goodbye to a series that had great potential.