A review by emmajaye
Dragon: The Tower of Tamerlane by James Austin McCormick


Two heroes that could not be more opposite, one who's the same size as a 14 year old human but smokes cigars and can talk his way out of most situations, and an hulking honourable warrior. Together they gallop through the universe battling mechanical monsters, baddies with god complexes and an evil spore that turned its victims into fungus with the help of an ancient, intelligent 'relic' ship.
The action bounces from one fight scene to the next, but it leaves out the back story and most of 'slow' moments that would make this a 5 star book for me. For example the warrior character has a sweetheart, but you hear nothing about her for the vast majority of the book except for the fact Brok agrees to go on a mission to prove he's worthy of her, later on its mentioned they are married with multiple children, but that's all you're told about the love of the main character's life apart from a few words near the end.
I loved the many moments of humour and the fight scenes, so if you like your scifi fast and furious with a smart green skinned mouth thrown in, this will be right up your street.