A review by simply_sam
Through the Door by Jodi McIsaac


There's a lot I want to say about this book but I honestly don't really feel it's worth the time. Does that make me a bad person? Rrrr....okay, so here's a few things.

1.I hate that the actions of 3 of the main female characters revolved partly/mostly around pining after a man. Why?!

2.I also hate when authors intentionally withhold information from the protagonist. That played a major, MAJOR role in this book and it drove me crazy.

3. And I hate when everything just conveniently works out. Like everything is super convenient.

4. I hate the whole "I did this super douche baggy thing for your own good!" trope. Which is, again, basically every thing in this book.

5. Despite those four BIG gripes, surprisingly enough I didn't hate the book. It was well narrated (Kate Rudd always does a good job in my book) and for some reason it was strangely addictive.

6. This is the first in a series but has a pretty decent conclusion at the end of book 1. I'll probably stop here.