A review by ufcasey
Abducting Abby by S.E. Smith


2.5 stars. Nook freebie.

I wanted a silly, light book, and so I decided to give this a try. This is definitely the first book I have ever read about a human-like alien who crash lands on Earth who also happens to be a dragon-shifter, and has a symbiotic relationship with some kind of intelligent metal thing-y that is able to morph into a spaceship, transmit mental visual images, translate languages for you, and heal you (including your privates from too much rough sex - not kidding, that was mentioned in the book several times) among other things. So, um, yeah. This book was a little too rape-y/kidnap-y for my personal tastes. Also at the end they just threw in a bunch of characters so you'd have some bare bones descriptions of them for future books in the series, which in general I find annoying.

But despite all that, I did have a hard time putting the book down for whatever reason, so I'll give it that.