A review by para
A Star-Reckoner's Lot by Darrell Drake


Well, this was a mixed bag.

Positives first: I loved the setting. Sasanian Iran is something I haven't seen used before and it seems well-researched - and interesting enough that I want to do some research of my own. Really, if you want me to get interested in a place or topic, just include it in a fantasy book. As far as the characters go, Waray the half-div stole the show completely. She's blood-thirsty and a bit crazy and a prankster and šo-fun to read about. The highlight of the book for sure. Oh, and I almost forgot: the creative insults and the stupid puns. Big fan of both.

Unfortunately, there was a massive fatal flaw: the pacing. In the first half of the book, it's disjointed and all over the place, with massive time-jumps between the chapters. This made it hard to connect to the story/characters and generally stay invested. It starts picking up nicely at around 60% and the number of jumps decreases, but there were still parts where I felt like it stagnated. The final twist also left something to be desired
I never quite understood why Ashtadukht hates star-reckoners as much as she does and the personality change seemed to come out of nowhere
- but I don't know if this was because I'm a sloppy reader (which I definitely am) or it was really so unforeshadowed.

Still, there is a lot of potential and it wouldn't be the first time an indie series improves massively with each book when it comes to pacing, so I'm giving the next one a try for sure. (besides, I need it for Bingo)

Enjoyment: 3/5
Execution: 2/5

Recommended to: people interested in non-Western settings who can forgive some first-book roughness
Not recommended to: pun-haters?

More reviews on my blog, To Other Worlds.