A review by mhewza
Think Like a White Man: Conquering the World . . . While Black by Nels Abbey


A satirical professional manual for the black employee (soon-to-be-business owner, if this book’s advice is acted on). Laugh or cry or squirm. This book is so stark. The footnotes alone are some kind of tragic poetry.

‘If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?’ Footnote: An alternative question could be ‘If the police shoot a brother in the back while handcuffed and then take the cuffs off him and say he did it to himself, should it still be considered suicide?’

Footnote: ‘Once you fake the sincerity the rest is easy’ - unknown, but often credited to Tony Blair.

Do beware of the latest rebranding and marketing scheme for racism. For example: ‘unconscious bias’ is often very conscious racism, where there is a ‘lack of diversity’ there is an abundance of racism, ‘did you notice that “identity politics” suddenly became all the rage in the latter days of the Obama years.’