A review by vanessakm
The Hellblazer Vol. 1: The Poison Truth by Simon Oliver


Ok, I didn't dislike this as much as everyone else, but this Rebirth storyline was a little all over the map for me.

The main plot-something about the Djinn plotting their return muahaha-goes off in several directions, and not all of them were ones that I could follow. It felt like I was supposed to know who people were and what they were referring to, but there was too much random. I mean, I don't read Hellblazer on the reg, but who the Hell is Mercury?

The story simultaneously felt like it had too much filler AND not enough explanation. Half-written but also over-written.

Also, even before I checked the credits it was very apparent that the entire artistic team had been replaced between parts 4 and 5. Constantine is suddenly clean-shaven, Mercury (no really, WHO is Mercury??) looks like a completely different person. The entire color palette is different.

For example, before:


(Oh by the way, Swamp Thing is in this too. I'm also not sure why.....)


And, yes, the second team is better (what is going on with the shape of Constantine's cranium in that first panel?), although the first team made better visual jokes. I think that is partly why this landed at three stars for me. Enough witty moments and a good story are in here somewhere.

It's not a great starting point for those new to Hellblazer, however.