A review by steffi_au_penguinbooks
Frostbite by Richelle Mead


Vampire Acadamy: ☆☆☆.5

“There's nothing worse than waiting and not knowing what'll happen to you. Your own imagination can be crueler than any captor.”

3.5 stars

Part 2 of me wanting to shake and hug Rose Hathaway. Will this relationship us continue like this? Hm ....

I do believe Frostbite was better than the first book. The book started really strong and I was super hyped up, since I really wanted to know more about Strigoi. Furthermore, we get to know more about Dhampirs and Rose's mother!
However, after that amazing start, the story went back to the teenage drama similar to the one we had in Vampire Academy. However this time, the focus was more on Rose instead of Lissa. Actually, Lissa was more of a side character and sadly I was missing their amazing friendship from book 1.

At times, Rose acted like she was 14 years old instead of 17. Once upon a time I was also 17 and to be honest, my mother and I hadn't had the best relationship. But Rose .... ARGH. She really really frustrated me at times, but at the same I felt bad feeling like this because she is young and impulsive but ugh :D

Similar to book 1, after all the teenage drama s*** went down again and .... wow. Those last 30-40 pages were amazing!!! The suspense was extremely high and I couldn't stop reading. I finished the book at around 4am because I just had to know how it ends. I wasn't disappointed. And because that ending was so good, I am super looking forward to the third book!