A review by stealingpages
Vanished by James Delargy


When Anne reached out to me with this book it really grabbed my attention. Having family who worked in the mining industry in Kalgoorlie I just had to get my hands on it.
Having had the opportunity to visit a Kalgoorlie mining site on my only visit to Australia to date I could picture very clearly the sort of run down abandoned town where this novel was set.

Kallayee is an abandoned mining town which has laid empty for years. The Maguire family have fled Perth for various reasons and are trying to lay low in the rural town until things blow over. Expecting to be alone the put the nightly rumbles down to crumbling in the old mines and brush off their child’s sightings of people as being over dramatic...until they encounter 3 “miners” working by torch light each night.

The short sharp chapters in the book kept me saying “just one more” and made for a pretty quick read.
The first chunk of the book fell a little flat for me and for all I kept turning page after page I didn’t quite get the hook that I needed to get me fully invested. I was waiting for the one moment to get me on the edge of my seat.

That moment finally happens when tensions between the family and the miners reach an all time high and desperation on both parts takes over.

How far would you go to protect your family?