A review by hugo19999
Duking It Out by E.J. Russell


Buddy read with @iman

The story 3 stars

The narration 3.5 stars

The ending was worth it after all that struggles at the beginning, but the whole story was mid at most I'm not really a fan of the info dumping at the beginning and the politics god the politics it was definitely a struggle to get into I'm glad me and Iman were on the same page

For the characters
The mcs were okay not really complex but they're a match to each other on their own way, also one of the problem that I have with one of the characters is that the demisexual rep it was just doesn't sit well with me.

I really like the ending than the whole story it was soo good if only most of the story were constructed more on that I would've liked it more I wouldn't revisit this in My mind it was just an okay story can be confusing at times tho but I still appreciate the concept.