A review by princessleia4life
Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist by Michael J. Fox


I didn't like this one as much as [b:Lucky Man|133729|Lucky Man|Michael J. Fox|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1398617130s/133729.jpg|2166070] or [b:A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future...: Twists and Turns and Lessons Learned|7558692|A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Future... Twists and Turns and Lessons Learned|Michael J. Fox|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1441390625s/7558692.jpg|9871315]. In both those books, Fox wrote as if he was talking to a friend, not the usual way autobiographies are written but this made it even more enjoyable. This book was written as a standard autobiography is, which is't bad, but not as fun or interesting as the other two were.