A review by cassie_ellie
Always Forever Maybe by Anica Mrose Rissi


Characters were great and well-formed if a little predictable: best friend who the protagonist doesn't believe, best friend's brother who is obviously a better fit, parents who "just don't get it", boyfriend who has family problems. Even the ex-boyfriend is a little bit of a cut-out. That being said, I did like all of them, and none of them felt too forced. I even liked the side characters (LOVED OJ).

The atmosphere was really good. Everything felt so real and detailed...even the bits that I definitely don't know anything about, dad. These parts were also surprisingly funny before inevitably turning much darker (which makes it seem worse).

I really, really liked the writing style. It was very easy to read and get into. It was also good that it was in first person narrative rather than third person because it meant that we could properly see and even feel the confusion and desperate need to believe that everything was alright rather than just being told it.

A bit like the characters, the plot was pretty predictable until after the dance, which I'm not sure I liked. There are also other moments that I didn't particularly buy.

Characters - 8/10
Atmosphere - 9/10
Writing style - 10/10
Plot - 7.5/10
Intregue - 9/10
Logic - 8/10
Enjoyment - 10/10