A review by deanie
Chasing His Puma by Golden Angel


Grumpy bear-bunny-turtle shifter Brock Bunson gets his own book in the series, when he's sent on a mission to help other shifters with Disney-loving Harley "Doc" Standish. It's a trap, which allows these two people with opposite personalities to get closer, even though she's not looking for a relationship, and he's known for playing the field.

I'm not going to go into the ridiculousness of the premise of this series, with the Bunsons as experimental subjects of a mad scientist that turned them into bear-sized bunny rabbits with bulletproof turtle shells. However, as a couple, Doc and Brock are adorable, with their matching names and adorkable awkwardness. Plus, there's a nice bit about prejudice against the "abnormal" shifters, and how most people come together to stop it. This is a fun book in a good series.