A review by meliaraastair
Lost in My Own Backyard: A Walk in Yellowstone National Park by Tim Cahill


I always enjoy a good national park book.  I'm also a big Bill Bryson fan and discovered that Tim Cahill has a similar writing style, so I decided to check out another one of his books.

I'm a big fan of the national parks.  It's also that gross time of year where I'm not ready for the long stretch of busy without something very soon to look forward to after the holidays, combined with weather that makes it hard to get outside much - just not a fan of January/February.  I wish we got more snow here - I'd love hiking in snow or snowshoeing but it's hard to enjoy bitterly cold temperatures and no snow to make it fun or pretty.  

So.  Anyway.  National Parks. 

Yellowstone is probably one of my least favorite parks.  Partially because it is insanely busy.  Partially because I don't enjoy free roaming bison through campgrounds.  Also I feel like some of the other parks with grizzly bears do a better job managing them so they aren't as much of a concern - but you combine uneducated tourists with bears that become reliant on human food and it's a scary world out there, man.

Regardless, I enjoyed this book.  I need to get into backcountry camping because maybe I'd find a greater appreciation for Yellowstone if I could get away from the tourists and the main populated area.  Tim Cahill talks about the "hidden gems" of the park and some of the more interesting backcountry locations and makes me interested in giving Yellowstone another chance.  

If you are a fan of hiking, nature, or national parks, check this book out.  I now need to see a "moonbow"...adding that to my bucket list.

I'll go 7 of 10 for enjoyment (it's way too short in my opinion - I'd love more stories and more details) and 5 of 5 for readability.

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