A review by szeglin
الشيف by Jaspreet Singh


ARC received through the First Reads giveaway program.

The language is very poetic, but overall Jaspreet Singh's Chef left me very confused. I had a hard time relating to Kip, the protagonist. I couldn't really get a handle on him. I didn't get much of a sense of any personality. He seemed to function mostly as a sounding board for others.

I didn't read (or pick up on) enough information about the India/Pakistan conflict, but in this case it's because of a rather large gap in my knowledge. A sense of place was missing, too. I never got a good idea about the places where the story was set (other than the glacier, of course). I had the sneaking suspicion that I was missing something the entire time I was reading this one.

I see Chef as being one of those polarizing love-or-hate books. This one was not for me, unfortunately.