A review by booksonthebrain20
Rise of the Horde by Devan Sagliani


I abandoned this book because a) I got caught up in a lot of other books and b) this one wasn't strong enough to hold my attention. I could never get a good grasp of the main character. The narrative told me a lot about him (he was strong, he was a great fighter, he was a natural leader), but I never saw that (at least, not the great leader part). There was a surplus of boys and the first women to show up were one dimensional (the mother and the beautiful betrayer). I know that another girl is supposed to show up later, but, like I said, I didn't hold out for it.

I was also confused as to the people in Lompoc. Specifically, the reaction of their leader. He takes a bunch of kids to the border, everything goes to hell, one of the kids acts like an idiot and gets himself zombified,and suddenly the rest are under house arrest (in the Nazi room of cliche) because... they're suddenly untrustworthy? I didn't quite follow all the logic.

And, finally, there were the grammar issues. So many run on sentences, so few commas. I was mentally adding in commas all over the place. Had it been a print book, I probably would have broken down and put them in myself. It was quite annoying. Also (and this might be an e-reader problem), some of the paragraphs were just giant blocks of text that needed to be broken up.

When I cut down on some of the other stuff I'm reading, I might go back. I like zombie books and this was a very typical zombie narrative. It's light reading when there's nothing else going on. But, when there are other things, it wasn't enough to hold my attention.