A review by hannah_bevis1
Viral Airwaves by Claudie Arseneault


3.5 stars, rounded up to 4.
This is my first time reading Claudie Arseneault, and this was her debut novel. That said, I picked up this book because I saw that the main character was asexual, and that the story would center around a group of rebels...which it did. That said...
...every single main character was either already in a relationship, or was in one by the end of the book. I picked up this book hoping that it would center other relationships between characters outside of romantic ones, and...sometimes it did? But to me, those relationships didn't feel central to the story. I'm ace myself, and I know that some asexual people end up in relationships, I was disappointed how the one mention of Henry's asexuality was jealousy at "never feeling that way" with somebody, and ended with him asking someone out at the end, focusing on the storyline of asexuality being something to pity, and the 'problem' being solved at the end of the book so that everyone's happy (because they're) in a relationship.
I was happy with all the queer rep in this book - I'm a sucker for the enemy to lovers trope, and I thought this book did well with it, as well as centering a lot of Black/POC characters, but in general, was a bit disappointed. Also, this book was SO. LONG. Could have been shortened, for sure.