A review by the_lobrarian
Something Like Gravity by Amber Smith

"Well, everything is perfect. It's all orchestrated in this total balance of creation and destruction. I mean, the scale of the cosmos is so vast that we're not even evolved enough to comprehend it. But when you think about the beginning, and how much has had to happen for us to be here - how the universe had to evolve, and how our galaxy is just one tiny part, and our solar system is an even smaller part, and the Earth is miniscule in comparison - it's all incredible that somehow life evolved on this planet. All the comets and asteroids that had to collide with Earth just to give us the oceans and gases and metals and everything we would need. It seems like chaos, but it's not at all. Us sitting here in this car having this conversation has been like thirteen billion years in the making ... And when things are working like that, then it makes me feel like everything else in my life is going to work out too." - p. 235 [eBook, end of ch. 21]