A review by tregina
The Gay Man's Guide to Heterosexuality by Cathy Crimmins, Tom O'Leary


I wanted this to be hilarious. It was not. I also picked it up thinking it was a more recent book, but when it became blatantly clear that all of the references were well over a decade old, I had to go check and discovered it was from 1998 and only the ebook version was released last year. I may actually have found this funnier in 1998, when I still a baby queer and anything even remotely geared toward my POV was treasured. But then again, I've never subscribed to the idea that gay men should be flagrant misogynists, so maybe not. It can't help being dated, but it could help that. The book has its moments, but it never rises to clever or witty and mostly it's just a string of obvious stereotypes and cheap jokes.