A review by lisadee
Amazon Lily by Theresa Weir


What do you read when real life gets to be too much and everything you read seems to be either speaking to that grief, and heartbreak or making it worse? You read the most escapist/romance/adventure that you can find. This was a fun read; a little heavy on the stereotypical bad boy finds "Lily white" fragile girl. Corey is a young girl who no one seems to care about sending into the wilds of the Amazon to gather information for a possible church mission. The innocence of her is so overstated it is funny sometimes but who can resist that bad boy of a bush pilot? Ash is rough on the outside, but hiding a vulerable side that Corey is stunned to find. Really Corey that stunns you? It's all in fun though and succeeds in my escapist literary needs of the moment.