A review by katkinney
My Bare Lady by Piper Sheldon, Smartypants Romance


Loved this addition to the Smartypants Romance series. In this “My Fair Lady” retelling, Ford, a professor, needs funding for his grant studying how social class and perception set you on a certain course from an early age, making it hard to break out and rise above no matter how hard you try. Susie knows all about that, having been abandoned by her mother, left to care for her alcoholic father, and forced to strip for the Iron Wraiths, and then a second motorcycle club.

The plot is a bit complicated to explain, but basically, Ford has to pass Susie off as not a stripper to secure funding. And of course, they fall for each other. This one was super cute, with two likeable, strong, flawed characters. And side characters I’m really hoping we might see again in future books. Also, I especially liked the way this one tied in bits of Green Valley lore. Will definitely be reading Piper Sheldon’s next Smartypants Romance book!

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.