A review by lizzuplans
Let's Get Quizzical by Kelly Ohlert


When I saw this book, I was immediately attracted by the fun cover (with cute punchy colours) and the adorable punny title. 

The story itself was a bit lacking. 

LOVED that this is a quiz show romance and I loved all the various fun facts. A really refreshing take on the romcom genre. 

I do wish the author would have tightened up the book. There were random moments that only distracted from the story (weird old car in LA, chlorine in the pool, etc.) as well as plot lines that were partly relevant but also not really (Kenneth, Lucky). 

Regarding Kenneth, I was very happy Charlotte called him out on not being sorry but only being sorry he got caught.

Charlotte and Eli were believable and I bought their ex-friends/lovers to lovers arc. There could have been better communication but that is usually the case in romance books. 

And I just wish I will be someone’s final answer in the future. Cute!!!!!! 

3.5 stars rounded up because of the title and cover. 

I received an ARC of this book (thanks!) and these are my own opinions.