A review by xakyr
A Dixie Christmas by Sandra Hill


I had this book chosen for me as a Pick It For Me Challenge, which was a good thing, since I've had this book in my TBR for two years now. During this challenge, I re-read [b:The Love Potion|307753|The Love Potion (Cajun, #1)|Sandra Hill|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1266520513s/307753.jpg|298717] by the same author, which I hadn't enjoyed previously and still didn't after the re-read. I wasn't expecting anything from this book, but I should have expected it to be just like [b:The Love Potion|307753|The Love Potion (Cajun, #1)|Sandra Hill|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1266520513s/307753.jpg|298717]. It was and wasn't. These were short stories, one shorter than the other. The NASCAR story was the more believable of the two, but the author's writing style just wasn't enjoyable for me. To me, it is totally unbelievable for characters to be completely certain of their future with someone they just met after only a few days, and all three of the author's stories that I have read have done that to a similar fashion. I think this is one author I'll just have to avoid in the future.