A review by varshiniramaraj
It's Not Like It's a Secret by Misa Sugiura


(I find it funny that after mere weeks of saying I was going to avoid YA for a while, I picked up and proceeded to finish this book in 3 days)

This was a very nice book! The reason I think I liked it a lot more than other YA novels was all the intersectionality. It was very interesting to see how Japanese women in different generations behaved in this book, and how that affects how they interact with people from other cultures.

I also relate to Sana in a sort of way because I went from India and Texas which had a lot of Indian people to Michigan where there were ...fewer. Assimilation to the masses is something that definitely tends to happen when in the latter situation and it was great reading it in a book.

Other things I liked: Sana making statements about Christina and JJ that she knew were wrong, and couldn't take it back, and proceeding to learn why it was bad. This was a very well done book! Kudos, author!