A review by verafran
The God's Eye View by Barry Eisler


4 and half stars

This was a hard book to read, not because it's not well written - it really is very well done - but because of the subject matter and some characters. The plot, to me, is scarier than many horror books and movies out there.

Too much power concentrated at the hands of one single person who turns out to be a megalomaniac sociopath it's terrifying.

I had to read it in small doses, cringing at the insanity of one of the main characters, scared for others. They were all well written, real and scarily believable.
Not all characters are crazy sociopaths and psychopaths, but all of them are broken one way or another.

This book has some graphic violence and graphic sex scenes. If you're comfortable with those, you're good to go. If you're not, you get enough warning that let you skip these parts and not miss the great plot.

The main plot is solved in a way that makes sense, but the ending.... I won't spoil you.

This is a book worth reading but not for the faint of heart. There are enough twist, turns and surprises to make a fan of great thrillers very happy.

Maybe you'll finish this book a little bit paranoid, but that's not really a bad thing, right?

I'd like to thank Netgalley, Thomas & Mercer and author [a:Barry Eisler|603|Barry Eisler|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1271016603p2/603.jpg] for sending me an ARC of The God's Eye View in exchange for an honest review.