A review by nyxii
Aquamarine by Alice Hoffman


I had just finished reading [b:Bridge To Teribithia|1946134|Bridge To Teribithia|Katherine Paterson|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1190705319s/1946134.jpg|2237401] by [a:Katherine Paterson|1949|Katherine Paterson|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1314929618p2/1949.jpg], and, on a whim/book-induced high, I picked up my copy of [b:Aquamarine|527923|Aquamarine|Alice Hoffman|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1328869016s/527923.jpg|4030682] that I had bought in 2006 as a young girl. I had never read it before today. Well, that was a mistake. It was, quite honestly, a waste of time.

Things that truly bothered me:
- this book.
- the characters.
- the plot.

Alright, the book as a whole was just plain bad. The plot and the characters made it painful to read. It was just awful. As far as I can tell, there really wasn't much of a plot to begin with, but rather an unoriginal idea. How many books are there about best friends moving away? Hmm.. let's just throw an irritating, conceited Mermaid into that and, BAM, we have a completely new & fresh idea. Gaaah. What is wrong with people? The characters were so unbelievably flat and stupid that I cannot believe this book was published. Claire & Hailey were just stupid, Raymond was a tool [he didn't do anything to make the plot progress, he was just sort of there], and Aquamarine was a bitch. The book may be centered around a mermaid, but, the book isn't really about the mermaid/fantasy whatsoever. Just about two girls who are flatter than a piece of paper. There was no depth at all and I was bored out of my mind while reading it.

There is such a lack of depth with this book that I cannot write a proper review because, well, there's NOTHING to write about.

I think this is the worst book I have read to date. Legit.