A review by joaofranciscof
The Transgender Issue: An Argument for Justice by Shon Faye

informative reflective


I believe most of my feelings towards this book derive from the expectations I had prior to reading it. I thought it was going to be a transformative read and answer some of my questions on how to make the world a safe and liberating space for trans people. However, most arguments or topics put forward by Shon Faye lacked clarity and cohesion, and sometimes were very simplistic.
Apart from my disappointment, I am really grateful for this book, specially the last two chapters (the one about the LGBT+ community and the one about feminism), which proposed some excellent considerations and very thought-provoking discussions (although most of the problems I talked about remained). If I had to recommend this book, it would be these two chapters that I would say are mandatory reading.
Cannot wait to see what Shon Faye accomplishes next.

"Trans people have been dehumanized, reduced to a talking point or conceptual problem: an ‘issue’ to be discussed and debated endlessly. It turns out that when the media want to talk about trans issues, it means they want to talk about their issues with us, not the challenges facing us."