A review by parue
Two Dark Moons by Avi Silver


This is certainly the most unique fantasy book I've read in a long time. A race of nomadic lizard creatures? Societal roles and gender based on what phase of the moon you're born under? Cave-dwelling people? Yes please. The anthropology nerd in me is screaming.

And kudos to Avi Silver for writing a believable teenager (to me anyway). Dare I say Silver did too good of a job at first because Sohmeng really irritated me in the beginning, though it's probably because it reminded me of how petulant and annoying I was at that age, lol. I definitely grew to like her though.

In terms of glossary, kindle readers who have trouble remembering vocabulary like I do may have a tough time. I was surprised when I finished that the glossary was actually very short? I felt like there were a lot more new words that would have been nice to have back there.

In the end, I appreciate this book for its unique world more than anything else. I wish I ended up feeling more connected to the characters or more emotionally invested in the plot - for the most part I felt the same the entire way through, which is why I rated this 4 stars and not 5. That all being said, the book ended in a satisfying place and I'm extremely curious to see what direction its sequel will take.