A review by hlparis
The Hummingbird's Daughter by Luis Alberto Urrea


While it took me a bit to get captured by this story, I believe it was due to current life circumstances instead of the story. I was just too distracted. However, I kept at it, and once I got about halfway through, I was sucked in. I did not know what was going to happen, was saddened by some of the events, and became very thankful for running water. This story is well crafted and very interesting. Huila and Cruz were among my favorite characters.

"every moment of your life, every instant, looks like this. Do you see? You are always in a universe of choices. Any moment of your life can go in any direction you choose."

"most of us," Huila said, "trudge in a straight line. All day, every day, we march like sheep. Look straight ahead. What do you see?"

"we spend our lives walking into our own mirrors. All we see is ourselves as we walk down the road."