A review by thepickygirl
The Seven Year Bitch by Jennifer Belle


You know how sometimes you have a friend who has a real asshole for a husband? You know you do. Maybe they're not always an ass, but for much of the time you've known them, the husband does crazy things? And you know how you can't really say anything because when your friend makes up with her husband everything is all honey and manna? This. Book.

Isolde is an ex-hedge fund manager, and she has a small son. Her husband has been attempting to start up a small publishing company for a while. And, well, he's sort of a jerk. Like on their son's first birthday when he tapes over the baby blowing out the candles, taping a faux (read that as "supposed to be funny") suicide note. Because poor him, his life is so hard because he got to quit his job to start up a publishing company, while relying on his wife's income, and he's just. so. miserable.

Now. This isn't to say Isolde is easy to live with. She's caught up in getting a nanny, even though the only work she is doing is reading essays for magazine contests. Then she talks about the guilt of hiring said nanny and throws herself into the nanny's infertility and private life.

And then there's this deliciously-handsome and wildly-rich man who has held a torch for Isolde for years. And just when she's thinking about ditching the husband (because, well, who wouldn't want to?), she finds out she's pregnant. And though it was a stretch to leave her husband with one child, she certainly can't leave him when she has two children.

Though it sounds like I didn't like this book, it was seriously like candy. I picked it up as soon as it came in the mail...just to see what it was about and sat there for an hour reading.

Read this: If you're in the mood for something different and a bit lighter.