A review by intothewilder
From the Ashes by Amber Lynn Natusch


I am a big fan of Amber Lynn Natusch. I've loved every book of her's that I have read. And this one is no exception. The first time I read the intro the hair on my arms literally stood up. It was THAT good. And from there it just got better. Piper, the heroine, is unlike any other supernatural we have seen. And what's really cool is that we get to go along with Piper as she discovers her powers and explores how to use them. Plus, let's not forget the book boyfriend material. MERC! KNOX! I know who I pick! Team Knox all the way! And then there is Grizz. Grizz is a grizzly bear. Yes, I said bear. I know you think I'm crazy but trust me it. Is. Awesome. The thing I love about Amber's writing is how fully developed her characters are. You fall in love with them and get fully invested in what is happening to them. I'm so excited for this new series and I can't wait to see where Piper and the gang lead us. This is going to be an awesome ride.