A review by mrose21
The Best of Us by Robyn Carr


Read this as a buddy read, so putting my comments in from that chat.

Up to Chapter 7
Yeah I was disappointed as well it wasn't another family member but I'm very much enjoying it also!

I like Rob, but I'm more invested in the Helen and Sully romance. Not sure why but they seem more interesting for me. Maybe because I want Sully to have a happy ending too.

Oh that poor pair of teenagers. I can't see this ending well to be honest. Just a feeling.

I think I'll wait and read to chapter 14 tomorrow and then weds again I won't be reading. Going to aim to finish thursday. I don't want to rush this but its hard to stop!!

Up to chapter 14
You'd have thought a doctor character would not be so likely to have an accidental pregnancy!!!

Yeah I like Helen & Sully. Very sweet

Yeah Leigh annoyed me. Good on Helen for sticking up for herself. I think we forget our elder relatives are people and have wants and needs too

Can't say this was my favourite too. Yeah I actually agree. This was fine, I wanted more for Rob.

Sully and Helen were the bit I enjoyed the most. They were so sweet. And it just worked.