A review by suzannalundale
Confessions of a Curious Bookseller by Elizabeth Green



I love epistolary novels, and was intrigued by the idea of the 21st century epistolary work, including tweets and texts, along with letters, emails, blog posts, and diary entries. That it should all revolve around books sweetened the pot. I don't mind really that the protagonist is a horrid, petty woman, because hate-reading can be very satisfying, and I wanted to see how she would develop.

Unfortunately, I got about 2/3 through the book, and she really didn't develop. She just pulled out one groaner after another, and at this point, I no longer feel at all invested in the story. It seems to me that if she is to finish the book as she started it, the narrative should be shorter. If there is to be some significant development of her character, it should start to show earlier. The end result for me was that it really just overstayed its welcome. I enjoyed groaning and disliking her for a while, and then it just got boring. (And also, the whole Mark Twain estate signing scheme was over the top - she's unpleasant, not idiotic.)

I wanted to love this book. I did not.