A review by just_fighting_censorship
Gotham City Sirens, Vol. 4: Division by Andres Guinaldo, Ramón F. Bachs, Peter Calloway


All of the Arkham Asylum/Joker/Harley sequences are wonderful, prefect, interesting, well written and fun.

The wrap up between Catwoman and her psycho sister Maggie is pretty lame. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of religious zealots or exorcisms or plots that don't make sense. Catwoman is forced to choose to either kill her sister to save gotham, or....just save gotham??? Gee, what's a girl to do? I didn't quite understand why Catwoman needed to kill her sister as a penance, and I don't think the author really did either.

Poison Ivy was barely in this one and her escape from the asylum was pretty unspectacular.

I really didn't like how the Penguin was just randomly thrown into the mix for a single page, for absolutely no reason at all. We didn't need him to ask Ivy to kill Catwoman, she already wanted to. He didn't help her escape either, so no point at all.

The ending just seemed weird and full of faux-feminism ("no man will manipulate me"). I would have preferred seeing these 3 ladies either 'riding off into the sunset' together or having an all out brawl, not some lame "plot twist" that was slapped together becuase the series was cancelled.

Most of the art in this book is great and the cover art throughout is spectacular, frame worthy even, but there were some cells were the art was just bad, catwoman in particular looked paunchy at times, at one point in particular you see her leg smash a man's face and it seriously looks like her leg is a gelatinous stump.

However, overall this wasn't too bad, there was some good writting and it was absolutely better than the last two.