A review by msreader
Air Kisses by Zoë Foster Blake



I also really enjoyed this book. I never knew I was in a chick-lit mood til I picked this up and devoured it!

Air Kisses is again, the typical chick-lit scene. Girl mid twenties trying to figure out her love life and career - which of course she is a journalist. Though Hannah is a beauty editor at a pretty high up magazine - Gloss.

I read this book a while ago so a tad fuzzy on specific details but basically we follow Hannah - IN SYDNEY AUSTRALIA - as she leads her new glamorous life of being a beauty editor and DAMN is it truly glamorous. It's all the perks of being a celebrity without the annoying fame and paparazzi. Honestly it was too fun of a lifestyle that I doubted its credibility in real life - ESPECIALLY in Australia! Do beauty editors really have such a party life? If so DAMN I WISH I LIEKD MAKEUP.

Nonetheless it was fascinating reading about Hannah's crazy fun life with swooning hot guys and drama. It was so different to most books I've read - definitely not YA lol - but I loved it. Especially as I myself am figuring out my career I'm finding I love reading books where the character questions or even just discusses their job and career in depth. And that was Hannah - as her life was her job but not in the 'working in the office til midnight' but more party hard everyday and office for 3 hours after 6pm because I was too busy drinking away the daylight hours ON A FREE CRUISE! You know... normal everyday things.

I liked all the characters decently - a tad amount of bitchyness but still some pretty good girl-love that I loved, some good friendships.

Speaking of friendships I loved reading about Hannah and Iz - they are besties and super cute. I love jealousy in friendships especially when it is resolved nicely. When Hannah was jealous of Iz spending so much time with her boyfriend and her final decision regarding said boyfriend - I loved it! petty me mwahah. But I also loved Hannah's (small) journey to acceptance.

The men. Damn Hannah had opportunities and I'm glad she took a few BUT I'm just confused regarding Jesse the initial boy. I read the blurb before reading the book where it says 'Hannah is dumped for the local TV weather girl' BUT had I not read that I wouldn't have thought that had happened at all. It's just weird. Jesse is mentioned in the beginning as Hannah's boyfriend who is always busy then she reads some article about him being cosy with the weather girl, so she calls and emails him to which he claims it isn't true they are just friends. He basically says she is overreacting and to chill - he is an idiot for that alone my friends. Alas, it continues until they talk and he does all the things and says all the stuff Iz said he would IF he were guilty, so Hannah goes nuts and he just is not bothered and leaves. Sigh. I know.

Reading all that I thought he hadn't cheated because he just seemed so calm and uncaring, but that his uncaring sense and how he treated his concerned girlfriend as a chore to answer made me think he didn't truly love her. Anyway she breaks up with him but NEVER CONFIRMED IF HE CHEATED ON HER OR NOT?! I'm assuming it was true because of the blurb but it's not like he officially got with the weather girl, he just was seen with a tonne of women. But then months later he suddenly is interested in Hannah again and she just ignores him and says 'yeah good riddance' BUT DID HE CHEAT WHAT HAPPENED?! Weird. I thought that was executed quite poorly.

Everything else was great tho - oh minus the ending - but besides that I enjoyed it all. I literally felt like I was reading some celebrity's life story. It was intense and my night time read because I could pretend I joined Hannah on her crazy drinking sexing fun. But also, not my scene because she is a beauty editor and I don't like makeup or care much about it anyway.

Interesting though, that despite me not caring about makeup and knowing zero about its application I found the makeup tips at the beginning interesting and loved reading about Hannah galling up and reviewing products. I just love learning about all things.

The ending.
Listen the ending was fine. But it was just so sudden. After all the buildup. Especially with Dec it was just over like that. Like where is this going with Dec? He confesses he has had a crush on you for months and months if not ever and you just set up a date I NEED TO KNOW MORE!

But even more than about Hannah's love life ebbing cut off, I was BEYOND BUMMED that her career life was cut off. We get she is still at Gloss but that's it? The entire book we have seen her start at Gloss and grow more comfortable in her role and maybe have too much fun and decide she may want to branch and do more idea planning of spreads etc and does one successfully and then nothing... that disappointed me. Hearing about her career was my favourite part and it just ended on a underwhelming point.