A review by charlottecherry
The Vegetarian by Han Kang


This one hurt. The story starts from the POV of the husband of the mostly unnamed female MC. He’s annoyed by her choice to turn to vegetarianism (which is actually veganism) & subjects her to abuse. Then her father subjects her to abuse. And we get the POV of her brother-in-law, who subjects her to further abuse (but not because of her vegetarianism).

Moslty, it’s a novel in which all the males are terrible humans & refuse to let women have bodily autonomy. Check the TW because the novel can be extreme.

The final chapter, told from the POV of the sister is beautiful. She reflects upon her failure to save her sister from becoming what she is - a reclused woman in a mental facility, who has at least refused to eat altogether - and believes to be a tree.
When subjected to so much abuse, she has retreated more & more into herself, and even in the end she is not granted the bodily autonomy she wants, because she is being force-fed.

Such a heartbreaking read. And a sad reality for women all around.