A review by harinid
On Palestine by Ilan Pappé, Noam Chomsky


On Palestine was an extremely uncomfortable read for me, for it challenged my current perception of the conflict and handed me new lenses with which I should look at the situation. Chomsky and Peppe through their conversation bring about a view of Israel the coloniser and of Israelis the perpetrators of an apartheid regime. Being an Indian citizen, a country that has suffered at the hands of colonialists and has seen Anglosphere narratives shaping a lot of opinions about her by the outside world- these perspectives surely speak to me emotionally.

Whether you agree with their perspective or not, the book clearly illustrates the role of the west and media in letting certain things go unnoticed, in adopting a certain language and key phrases in describing the situation and conveniently blocking out a lot of the stories that need to be told from this part of the world. Whatever your take may be on the situation, you will be left richer after reading this conversation On Palestine by two Israelis.