A review by thebooktrail88
One Wish in Manhattan by Mandy Baggot


Travel with Mandy Baggot for a wonderful way to start over in New York

Visit the locations in the book here - Mandy Baggot Booktrail

Now I read this at a time where there was no snow on the ground and it was nowhere near Christmas but this book makes things magical! Don't wait till next Christmas to read it!

Ah New York New York, the city that never sleeps and the city of so many people that searching for your real dad is not going to be easy. At any time of year, the city is attractive to visit, but at Christmas, the lights are sparkling, the tree branches are covered in snow, everything seems more magical and inviting. And imagine going there, marvelling at the posh houses on Park Avenue for example and then meeting someone from that world – a billionaire who despite his taste for women – seems to have a heart of gold.

New York at Christmas is a time for adventure, magic and the possibility of starting over. The city is decked out in sparkle and celebrations from the shops to the parks and everything in between. Skating in Central park which becomes a kind of Narnia really is a stunning sight to see and you can ‘t help but wish that Hayley and Angel really start to see the beauty in everything around them.