A review by amz101
Chase the Butterflies by Monica James


Oh man, I had missed Monica James books, and how they made me feel...
HA, right, I'm STILL getting over how Forever My Saint ended and how much of a gut punch that was... Even a month down the damn track... My head and heart are still aching and spinning.

So I went into Chase the Butterflies with caution, thinking I knew this author's tricks. Well, I was epically wrong and what unfolding within the pages is something I never expected.

It was a given that I was going to love this book, but like I said I got more than I expected, and that's not a bad thing. Monica James has become a fast favorite of mine and an author that I will come back to.
Her ability to grab my attention with a compelling storyline is a craft and she has mastered it. I have so much I want to lay flat and rave on about.


all you need to know is that you need to be prepared to go into this book, it's about to grab hold of your heartstrings tighter and harder than you ever thought possible. It's going to make you laugh one minute but sob like a child the next. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that had me on some high highs but some even lower lows. Which is how Ms. James writes... She'll have you falling off that high so swiftly that you faceplant the ground feeling each and every cut that you endure. Her words will slice your heart in two and leave you to bleed out right until you cannot take it anymore and then... BOOM...

Jude and Victoria find something within each other so profound and strong that it's almost intoxicating to read. Both broken, both hurting, both struggling... But when they come together and something happens. The love between the two of them heals them in a way... and reading that, was tragic, yet beautiful in one. I was a complete mess at the halfway point, cursing out the author... Yet I couldn't put the book down. This story is something that has grabbed hold of my emotions and my heart... And it's not about to let go that easy.

Must Read, seriously... I know I love a lot of books but this is one of three books/start to series that I will say with everything that it is a top read of 2019. I love all kinds of books but not many make that list.

Monica's way with words, her ability to tell a compelling story, so different and unique is beyond incredible and I found myself completely captivated by each and every word. Her words a lace with emotions and passion when she writes this kind of romance. Just reading this I was able to pick that up and it makes me fall even more in love with this plot and the characters inside these pages.

6/5 Stars!!