A review by papercranestitches
The Lost Year by Libby Drew


*** 4.25 Stars ***

I felt as if this one had more raw emotion than the other two, and I'm a total sucker for that.

My only real issue with this book was that I don't think the author ever explained why Robbie ran away from home in the first place. I mean, it was established why Nicholas thought he ran away, but Robbie claimed that wasn't it (of course, he was talking to Devon at the time, so I don't know if he ever told his father that wasn't the reason). I feel like this explanation was a necessary piece of the story and I don't understand how it didn't get included. I'm serious. It's such a critical detail that I feel like it MUST be there, and I somehow missed it. That's right, I'm willing to doubt my own reading ability rather than accept that an author would have such an egregious oversight in her plot.

Has anyone else read this one? Feel free to comment below and tell me I'm an idiot and Robbie ran away because...


Hmm... the more I think about it, the more "I thought he didn't want me anymore" seems to ring a bell for me. But if that's so - if that's the entire reason this kid spent a year on the streets - that's weak sauce, my friends.

Regardless, I liked the book and I thought it was generally well written. The characters wormed their way under my skin with surprising speed and I'm looking forward to reading more by this author.