A review by drhobden
Evelyn's Journal by M.J. Gardner


I don’t generally read horror, particularly vampire stories, but I was given this book as a gift so I figured what the heck.

I thought the author did a good job of grabbing my interest and holding it throughout the novel. At the end of every chapter, I wanted to keep reading. Also, I liked the fact that the main character is African-American. Someone told me once that monsters are more common in sci-fi and spec fic than people of colour and I'd like to see that change.

Overall, I think what I liked best about the book is that the vampire stuff is just a plot device for what the story is actually about: a young woman’s struggle for self-love and a sense of belonging, a struggle that is both helped and hampered by the people in her life and the choices that she makes.

This is not high literature, but it is an enjoyable and captivating read. If you are looking for escapism and fun with a feisty, kick-ass heroine, this is the book for you.