A review by stitchesandstationery
On Schedule by Summer Dowell

Did not finish book. Stopped at 23%.
Thank you to NetGalley, Summer Dowell, and Victory Editing for the opportunity to receive an eARC of this book in exchange for my opinion and review.

Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me personally. I had a very difficult time relating to the characters, and perhaps if I had kept pushing past the 25% mark I could have found a way to connect with this. But up until this point the two main characters both feel childish and dramatic, and the best friends are meddlesome, awkward, and inauthentic. The animosity between Tyler and Avery felt forced so enemies-to-lovers could be checked off as a trope, and instead of Avery coming off as a boss babe she came off as insufferable.

I genuinely believe there are readers out there who will love this book and who will think it's a adorable and fun, but it just wasn't for me.