A review by caitlinxmartin
Casebook by Mona Simpson


I loved this book in ways I didn't expect - perhaps because it reminded me of so many things I loved when I was a kid. Harriet the Spy, for instance - I read that book over and over again because I loved the idea of looking into windows, of observing people in the neighborhood and the world and trying to figure out things about them - all kids are snoops, right? It made me think of hanging around on the upstairs landing when my parents had a dinner party and after I was supposed to go to bed - just listening to the adults. I never wanted to go to bed because I was positive I'd miss something.

Our hero, Miles, and his friend, Hector, spy on and listen in to Miles' divorcing parents. They snoop their computers, their phone calls, try to figure out things about the new boyfriend (who seems very suspicious to them). Much of what they learn is confusing and a bit scary - what do they do with their suspicions? What is this adult world all about? Will Hector's mother be okay?

Ms. Simpson captures the confusion and glamour of kids just learning about the grown-up world and trying to fit together the pieces. Moving and profound, Casebook offers a glimpse into a family coming apart and changing through the eyes of a very smart and cool kid who just wants to understand. Highly recommended.