A review by itsme_lori
Now and Forever - Weil ich dich liebe by Gennifer Albin, Geneva Lee


I have to start this review by stating that while I enjoy New Adult books and the issues they bring to the table over Young Adult books, I don't read very many of them. But I was seriously hooked by the premise for this one. Not only does it switch up the typical gender roles but it also seemed that none of the characters come from a violent past. And I liked that. There seem to be plenty of NA books that deal with those issues (and many are amazing books!). I just liked that Catching Liam took a different approach. And I'm so glad I read this book. I can't wait for the rest in this series!

My favorite thing about this book without a doubt was the characters. Liam is studying abroad for the year from Scotland and is handsome, smart, optimistic, and fun. We first meet him in the morning at Jillian's apartment while he's making waffles in his underwear. Jillian is a junior in college who still hasn't declared a major and is smart, sarcastic, strong, and vulnerable. We first meet her that morning as well, as she's trying to figure out who the guy in her apartment is and why he's still there. Their relationship continues from there with many ups and downs but I really loved them together. Liam was sweet and kind and honestly interested in Jillian and Jillian worked hard to keep up her tough exterior and hide her secret from him, but she couldn't control her heart like she thought she could. Jillian never apologized for what she wanted or for who she was. And Liam worked hard to prove he'd be there for her when she needed him. Together, they were great.

I also really enjoyed the focus on friendship in this book. Jillian has two close friends who had also adopted this catch and release game but both had recently fallen for guys of their own. They supported Jillian is her desire to keep up the game for herself, they were there for her when she needed them, and they took care of her in ways her family didn't. In regards to college friendships, I think Sophia Bleu really nailed these relationships. Living together, friends become family and I can't wait to read more about these two (they each get their own Good Girls Don't book!).

Final Thoughts: I really loved this book. I stayed up way into the night just so I could finish it and find out what would happen between Liam and Jillian. I promise you, it was worth it. This book is everything New Adult should be. It deals with relationships, friendships, sex, living on your own, thinking about the future, accepting who you are, and figuring out how to change the parts of your life that you want to. Jillian is dealing with some issues (that don't originate from a violent or horrible past) and she's discovering how to be an adult and handle them herself. Her friends support her throughout the book but it's Liam and their relationship that end up helping her grow the most. I highly recommend this book as a New Adult contemporary romance and I hope you'll give it a chance.