A review by danimae1981
A Multitude of Dreams by Mara Rutherford


A Multitude of Dreams was an interesting blend of genres. It’s a young adult book with a post-apocalyptic dystopia feel mixed with fantasy, action and a dash of romance along the way.

The story follows the points-of-view of 2 characters, Seraphina and Nico. In the aftermath of a terrible disease, both characters are living very different lives from what they were before. Seraphina is Jewish, and lived in an area where Jewish people were separated from the rest of the population - this book actually dives into the persecution of Jews, much like what happened in real history. When the king’s favorite daughter, Imogen, dies from the disease, the other princesses take Seraphina to live as the princess since she looks remarkably similar. For 4 years she has been stuck in the castle as the king will not allow anyone to leave. Meanwhile, Nico lived a life with some status though his mother. But with his entire family dead from the sickness, he now works as a servant for a nobleman named Crane. On the surface Crane seems like a good enough man, but soon Nico starts to suspect that things are not quite what they seem.

Several chapters in, the book takes a turn into a more paranormal/fantasy feel, which I didn’t necessarily see coming, but it adds an interesting twist to the story that gives it a sinister feel. It also leads to a lot of thrills and action.

Overall, this book was an enjoyable read that kept me engaged and wanting to read more. I liked both of the main characters and felt they were well-developed and learn a lot about themselves over the course of the story. The world created in the book was interesting and immersive.

Thank you to Inkyard Press for the free copy of this book, which I won through a BookishFirst raffle. All opinions expressed in my review are completely my own.