A review by _bookishbella
And Then We Ran by Katy Cannon


Originally published on Cheezyfeet Books.

Don't miss a guest post from Katy Cannon here, either!

I was a massive fan of Katy's first two books, Love, Lies, and Lemon Pies, and Secrets, Schemes, and Sewing Machines when I read them a few years back, and so I was very excited to read this new release, and it didn't disappoint! I read it quickly and really enjoyed it.

The plot is quite bonkers but as long as I didn't think too hard about it, I enjoyed it.  Elliot wants to go to uni but money stands in his way, and Megan can't wait to get out of town to escape her parents' expectations. So, they decide to get married and move to a flat in London that Megan's inherited. Why Elliot couldn't just get a student loan and why Megan couldn't just talk to her parents about her plan (which was quite good I thought, minus the marriage bit!), I don't know, but then I guess we wouldn't have had quite such a story!

The first half of the book is Megan and Elliot preparing to get married with the help of their friend Becca, and trying to keep it a secret from their friends and families. I really liked this bit - getting to know the secondary characters and their little town was really interesting. Their beach town life is so far from mine and I really enjoyed spending my time in their town in Pembrokeshire. I'd love to visit!

Then the story moves on to the road/train trip up to Scotland, to Gretna Green, where they can legally elope without their parents' consent. They encounter loads of problems on the way which only makes it more exciting and tense to read, as you try and work out whether they're gonna make it on time or not. It's a romp through the UK and it's a lot of fun! The characters they meet along the way are great too, and I flew through the last half of the book in just two sittings (which, considering I was on holiday at the time, is quite remarkable!).

The ending then wraps the novel up nicely. I loved the journey, both physically and emotionally, that the characters went on and the ending is just too cute, even if it was rocky to get there. I was rooting for Megan and Elliot's relationship throughout, in its various forms, and I'm really happy with the way it ended, which honestly I wasn't expecting. If you're in the mood for something fun to wind down and relax with, then this is the one for you! Katy's writing style is so easy to read and get lost in, and so you really won't be disappointed. Go pick it up!

*I received this from the publisher in exchange for a review and a blog tour post. In no way has this affected my opinion of the novel, these are my genuine opinions.