A review by themily394
Forged by Fate by Amalia Dillin


If you're looking for something with a really good twist on the original story, this would be a good series to read.

There are all different Gods/religions involved in this story and they're all aware of each other and even interact - even the angels, Adam, and Eve. I really enjoyed that take on it, since most times when I read stories involving Gods they don't acknowledge the existence of any others outside their religion. Stories of Gods aside, I really like the plot of this. It peaked my interest from the very beginning and had me guessing the whole way about what was happening and why.

The style of flipping between different times worked for this story and I'm glad she didn't write it in chronological order because I think it would have been a bit slow. It also allowed Dillin to introduce different aspects about what happened in each time at just the right moment for what's going on in the present and kept a bit of mystery going on.

Dillin's writing style confused me quite a few times, though. That's what keeps this a three star for me because there were times when I found myself thinking, "Wait, now I'm confused." and it would take me a few pages to get back on track. I think it was the way she just threw out information at times without any explanation and if it was explained, sometimes it wasn't done well. There were also a few sentences that were just worded oddly.

I do have to say that if you're not familiar with the Gods of differenty mythologies - such as Greek, Egyptian, Hindu - then this might be harder for you to follow. Dillin mentions all of these, but writes with the assumption that you're fairly familiar with the different Gods and even some history. I didn't find this to be a con, especially since I am generally familiar with these, but some might if they end up confused by it all.

The three main characters, Thor, Adam, and Eve, were all written very well. They had good and bad traits, and Adam was especially complex towards the end. The others, though, seemed to get left behind. Mia, Reu, Garrit - none of them were developed much and I only wish she had shown us more of them.

I'm excited for the next book and I love that by the end, Dillin left me with different feelings about Thor, Adam, and Eve than what I felt at the beginning. A few tweaks to the writing and this would have gotten at least one more star from me.