A review by katie_83
Tropical Tryst by Susan Ann Wall, Lena Bourne, Mandy Rosko, Whitley Cox, Nicole Morgan, Sharon Hamilton, Caitlyn Lynch, Fiona Meirs, Victoria Pinder, Holly Cortelyou, Liz Gavin, Alexis Alvarez, Celeste Hall, Elana Brooks, EmKay Connor, J.B. Duvane, Carma Haley Shoemaker, Stacey-Deanne, Courtney Hunt, Karen M. Bryson, Roxy Sinclaire, Linda O'Connor, Jan O'Hara, Krista Ames, C.J. Matthew


Tropical Tryst
5 stars!
Phew what a box set!! 25 steamy reads that I absolutely loved! The one thing I really loved about this anthology is that every author was new to me so I have found some brand new authors to love! I would happily read more from any one of them! Normally with anthologies I like some stories more than others but I can honestly say that I enjoyed every single one and I found it really hard to choose just a few to write about. All of them had great storyline, fantastic characters and were brilliantly written. They were fabulous novella’s that left me wanting more! I definitely can’t wait to read more by any of these authors!

Seal my Love by Sharon Hamilton – this is first book in the anthology and sets the tone for the rest of it! It’s a fantastic story with characters I loved – Trace = HOT!!!!! I loved him!! The setting for this story was so beautiful and I really felt like I was right there along with the characters. Really beautifully written!

Lust Abroad by Whitley Cox – I loved the plot to this story – something completely different to what I have read before. The story was really well written and I loved that characters – I was very entertained by this story. Another fantastic read in this anthology. Wish I could find a Derrick on holiday!!

Riders Fall by Lena Bourne – I was so excited when I started this story as MC books are one of my favourites and I was not disappointed, well I was only because it ended! I really liked the characters, Chloe and Rider. The story was really well written – I would have happily kept on reading!!

Tristan by Liz Gavin – I LOVED this story! Rock star romances I just love them but this one was just amazing – it had a great twist to it which is one of the reasons that I enjoyed it so much. The writing was brilliant and the way the author described the setting was brilliant. I could totally imagine everything that I was reading about. I definitely wanted more from these characters! Tristan just had this amazing fighting spirit which I admired.

Two Reckless Hearts by Holly Cortelyou – My favourite part about this story was the relationship between the two characters, their rival/competitiveness and this general push and pull that they had. They developed well in such a short space of time.

These are just a few of the many enjoyable stories in this anthology. All of them perfect for a short read on a summers evening. I would definitely recommend this anthology!